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December 5, 2011
Special Education Subcommittee Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Special Education Subcommittee of the Salem School Committee will hold a Regular School Committee meeting on Monday, December 5, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the School Committee Chambers at Collins Middle School, 29 Highland Avenue, Salem, MA. 01970.

AGENDA:  Potential need for an additional administrator for the special education program at the Bates School


Regular School Committee Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the Salem School Committee will hold a Regular School Committee meeting on Monday, December 5, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the School Committee Chambers at Collins Middle School, 29 Highland Avenue, Salem, MA. 01970.

      December 5, 2011

I.      Call of Meeting to Order

II.     Approval of the Agenda

III.    Approval of Minutes

Deliberation on the approval of the Minutes of the November 14, 2011 School
Committee Meeting.

IV.     Questions and Comments from the Audience

V.      Student Representative Report – Skye Kinnon –

VI.     Superintendent ReportDr. Stephen Russell
        Level 4 Status - Salem Turnaround Presentation

VII.    Assistant Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Steven O’Brien
VIII.   Finance ReportMr. Philip Littlehale

        a.      Update on FY12 Budget

b.      Approval of Warrants

November 14, 2011 in the amount of  $396,067.89
November 17, 2011 in the amount of  $148,156.25

c.      FY12 Budget Transfer Request #4

        Horace Mann Principal Kevin Andrews requests two budget transfers.

The transfer requests are summarized as follows:

Date    ORG             OBJ             Description             Amount
12/1/11 13570621        5860            Equipment               (231.75)
12/1/11 13570621        5514            Instructional Supplies   231.75

12/1/11 13570621        5320            Contracted Services     (400.00)
12/1/11 13570621        5511            Textbooks                400.00

FY12 Budget Transfer Request #5

Salem High School Principal David Angeramo requests two budget transfers in the amount of $3,000

Date    ORG             OBJ             Description             Amount
12/1/11 13571021        5512            Books Library           (3,000)
12/1/11 13571021        5514            Instructional Supplies   3,000

12/1/11 13571021        5512            Books Library           (3,000)
12/1/11 13571021        5421            Office Supplies          3,000)

IX.     Action Items

a.      Deliberation on the approval of the Nathaniel Bowditch 5th Grade Overnight Trip to the Farm School in Athol Mass., March 5-6 and March 6-7, 2012

X.      Sub Committee Reports

Special Education Subcommittee

Personnel Subcommittee

Finance Subcommittee

Buildings and Grounds Subcommittee

Curriculum Subcommittee

Policy Subcommittee

XI.     School Committee Concerns and Resolutions
XII.    Questions and Comments from the Audience regarding the 12/5/11 agenda

This notice was posted at Salem City Hall on Thursday, December 1, 2011 at 5:20 p.m. in accordance with Chapter 30, Section 23A & 23B of M.G.L. and City of Salem Ordinances